High Intensity Functional Fitness
Service Description
Functional Fitness is a type of exercise that supports your everyday life. It includes movements such as walking, pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, lunging, and core. These exercises improve functional strength. Similar outcomes to our Resistance Classes but with more variability. Functional Firness is something that is rooted in all of us. Our bodies were developed with the intention of having all of our muscles work together and support each other to accomplish certain movements and tasks. Zeroing in on these aspects of your training will have numerous benefits that translate to your everyday life. Functional fitness has been a buzzword in and outside of gyms for a very long time now. Why? It’s not just because of its benefits to people’s everyday lives, but because of the validity and truth behind its origin. Before functional fitness even had a name, all of our ancestors were doing it.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you have to cancel an outdoor class, please provide MORE than 12 hours notice. This is to ensure that members on the waiting list can be contacted and informed of the available space.
Contact Details
Lido, Blackpill, Swansea, UK